Git for Windows is at 2.12.2(2). Why is it so far behind? Git 2.1 was released in August 2014. Maybe just stop developing on Windows, or do all source control on Unix/Mac?

Use py and shebang lines to handle multiple versions of Python on the same computer. Install Python 3.6 first into path, then Python 2.7 second without modifying path.

Probably should install “for all users” for most programs. I installed Python 3.6

I just installed Ruby again just to install Jekyll which I want to switch away from.

This is also my chance to play with boot-from-VHD on Windows 10.

My Windows dev box pattern is this:

  • C:\Dev is where dev tools go: this includes Python, Visual Studio, etc.
  • C:\Dev\bin contains standalone binaries, so it’s in the path
  • C:\projects is where I put source code
    • C:\projects\github for forks from Github
    • C:\projects\go for my GOPATH (because Go wants all source in one tree)

I don’t tend to put things in C:\User\<user>, but maybe I should, since that’s the natural place on Unix? The reason I don’t is that Microsoft already fills it with a lot of crap, although that seems to have gone down with Windows 10.

There REALLY REALLY needs to be a universal package manager for Windows. I’m not sure Chocolatey is it. But I should try it, because it has 4000 packages now. Except it’s in the process of going commercial, and so (given Windows) that means companies as clients. Also, I notice that Chocolatey packages tend to be really old - their pip package is over 2 years old. Still…

Cool, Chocolatey has a script to refresh environment variables in a running cmd window; I copied this and saved it as their name RefreshEnv.cmd. Works great!

For Go, my %GOPATH is C:\projects\go.

I installed perl again, because I needed it a month ago, but I should figure out why. I’d love to do without Perl and Ruby, and just use C++, Python and Go - and move more to Go and less to Python.

Is it my imagination, or is a new computer always fast? This reinforces the desire to do boot-from-VHD so I can have a clean system every month.

Subversion… sigh. Passwords… sigh.





