Git committer info
Simple queries can be done with the Git command-line. To see aggregate commit history for the past year in all branches (and assuming that merges don’t count as commits):
$ git log --no-merges --since="1 year ago" --all > log.txt
$ git shortlog -sne < log.txt
This could be done with pipes as well to avoid intermediate files.
Note that –all looks at remotes, and for the most part this is what you want - your clone of a repo rarely has tracking branches for all branches in the the remote(s), but you almost certainly want information about that data.
By default, git log
uses the medium pretty format, which looks like this
commit e22c092b573c93e8d9c358330ad65c82c14bff0a
Author: Brian Fitzgerald <>
Date: Thu Sep 29 17:07:11 2016 -0700
Mass query of Github
Do queries for repos, orgs, users for GitHub. Also handle GitHub
Enterprise (the Ghosthub instance).
Add --dir option to to allow working dir to be set
from the command line (slight improvement to workflow).
You might find you want to go
beyond that, but --pretty=format:<fmt>
looks daunting. Here is a format string that
reproduces the medium pretty format:
git log --pretty=format:"%C(auto)commit %H%nAuthor: %an <%ae>%nDate: %ad%n%n%w(0,4,4)%s%n%n%b"
The git log help
page has a section that covers all the format operators, although
some are hard to puzzle out just from the docs. In particular, indented formatting is
not explained well. The string %w(0,4,4)
means to not wrap lines, indent the first line
by 4 spaces, and indent remaining lines by 4 spaces. This also stays in effect until
More importantly, in logs you want to process with code, you’ll probably not indent them, and you won’t colorize them either.
If you use one-line formats, you’ll probably want to use ---pretty=tformat:<fmt>
option uses separator semantics, whereas the
option uses terminator semantics.
This is a lot of words to say that the file entry in
`` won’t have a newline appended.
Same commit hash in two or more repos
If you have the same commit in two repos, then you have some kind of fork or clone relationship. Since a commit hash depends on the parent commit hash(es), and because the likelihood of random hashes colliding is close to zero, then the only way that the same commit can appear in two repos is if one is a fork or clone of the other. It’s not possible to determine which is the clone of the other, algorithmically, but this can usually be done by inspection.
This also doesn’t have to go back to the root commit(s): one party could have pruned old history.
There is one other way that’s technically not a fork, and that is to have pulled in commits from another repo into your repo as a new independent tree. Git is a collection of commits, and you can have more than one root commit. I think you could get this with a subtree merge, as well as by just directly doing it.
But the starting principle is that each commit hash refers to unique work, so identical commit hashes are referring to the same exact work.