Recent links
Rcpp looks very interesting, letting you use R from inside a C++ program.
- RInside. The RInside package provides C++ classes that make it easier to embed R in C++ codee – on either Linux, OS X or Windows. This is part of the Rcpp project.
- Rcpp. Rcpp provides a powerful API on top of R, permitting direct interchange of rich R objects (including S3, S4 or Reference Class objects) between R and C++
- Seamless R and C++ Integration with Rcpp. The book. Amazon link. Also see Intro paper.
- RcppCore/Rcpp. Github repo.
- Gallery.
- The R project. Of course, it still leads back to here.
GNP.h. A simple wrapper to drive Gnuplot with popen.
Gnuplot-iostream interface. Drive gnuplot with an iostream pipe.
ROOT. A data anlysis framework largely written in C++. Used by CERN.
Silicon 0.1. Write HTTP APIs in C++.
GNU Libmicrohttpd. GNU libmicrohttpd is a small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application (their words, not mine).
socat - Multipurpose relay. socat is a relay for bidirectional data transfer between two independent data channels.
LWAN. Lightweight asynchronous multithreaded event-based web server. Written in C.
Sub-processing with modern C++
Google C++ Style Guide. This has been evolving over the years, and is becoming something I can agree with.
Jinja2. Templating library for Python. Use it as a model for a C++ template library?
cppit/jucipp. juCi++: a lightweight, cross-platform C++-IDE supporting C++11, C++14, and experimental C++17 features. Lots of dependencies.
cppformat. Small, safe and fast formatting library for C++. Github repo.
P0067R1: Elementary string conversions, revision 1. No implementation yet?
A printf-like Interface for the Streams Library
Guidelines Support Library Review: span<T>.
Error Context - a stack trace for data.
C++14 standard. Approximately; from late 2013.
C11 standard. Late committee draft.
Phases of translation. Slightly more readable than the standard. The preprocessor should be identical between C and C++.