This is part of a planned series of articles, discussing both usage of Premake and analysis of it (what is good about Premake, what is bad), as well as usage and analysis of equivalent tools like CMake, SCons and Gyp.

Premake is useful, and Premake 5 more so. With any tool, it’s important to understand it. But it’s also important to know how to use it properly. The apocryphal legend about make is that there is only one original Makefile, and all others are just edited copies of the ur-file. While not true in fact, it is true that make is complex and most people who use it don’t really understand what they are doing.

If you don’t have a premake binary on your system and in your path, grab a copy from here: I strongly suggest Premake 5.0, which while listed as alpha is still stable (Blizzard has been using it for the past 6 months). The examples here start with Visual Studio, and then move on to XCode and Gmake.

Bare skeleton

Let’s look at Premake through the filter of “what is the simplest Premake file we can make?”. We’re going to use it to build a single-file project. Here’s the layout for our working folder:

|-- premake-minimal.lua
|-- src/
    |-- main.cpp

Our main.cpp file looks like this:

#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  std::cout << "Hello\n";
  return 0;

This is the smallest premake-minimal file; every line in here is necessary, as far as I can tell:

solution "mysolution"
    configurations { "Debug" }
    project "myproject"
        kind "ConsoleApp"
        files { "src/main.cpp" }

First off, indentation in Premake scripts is arbitrary; Premake scripts are just Lua scripts with predefined behavior, and Lua scripts are agnostic to whitespace (think C, not Python). The indentation is chosen to show meaning and ownership, but to Premake, a file with none of the above indentation would mean the same thing. This is important to keep in mind for future features like filter.

All Premake scripts declare a single solution.

solution "mysolution"

The word solution comes from its original Visual Studio focus; supposedly, newer Premake versions are now preferring workspace, with solution as a synonym. The name you give your solution is, while arbitrary, also practical: this is the name given to the generated solution/workspace/makefile, and (where relevant), is also the name that shows up when you open your solution.

Your Premake scripts must have one or more configurations; Premake has no defaults.

configurations { "Debug" }

Configurations are sets of build options that can cut across targets. The name configuration comes from Visual Studio; Xcode also calls them configurations, although I think that might be recent. In makefiles, configurations are a Premake-made-up concept.

A solution contains one or more projects.

project "myproject"

Likewise, the word project shows Visual Studio bias, but is a reasonable concept (for Visual Studio builds, each project section generates a corresponding .vcxproj file); other build systems might call this a target. Like with solution, the name you give a project is both arbitrary and practical; any generated project file (just for Visual Studio, as far as I know) will have this name, and when open in an editor, the project will present this name.

A project need a kind, which declares what type of thing to build: choices are StaticLib for static libraries, SharedLib for shared libraries (called DLLs on Windows), ConsoleApp for console applications, and WindowedApp for apps that run in a window (mostly a distinction for Windows and Mac OS X). Premake is used for building code projects, and this shows up in the set of items for kind.

Finally, a project has to reference files, or it does nothing. This is the one piece that is optional, we could have made a project that has no source; but there’s little point to this. Note that we reference files relative to where the premake script is found. In this case, we just have the single file src/main.cpp, but this could be an entire comma-separated list of files.

Use premake to generate make system files from this script; the parameter --file=<PREMAKE-SCRIPT> is optional if your premake script has the default name, which for Premake 5 is premake5.lua.

C:\test> premake5.exe --file=premake-minimal.lua vs2013

This will create a Visual Studio 2013 project that you can open and compile. After building, you should see output something like this:

|-- bin/
    |-- Debug/
        |-- myproject.exe
        |-- myproject.ilk
|-- myproject.vcxproj
|-- mysolution.sdf
|-- mysolution.sln
|-- mysolution.v12.suo
|-- obj/
    |-- myproject.tlog/
    |-- myproject.log
    |-- main.obj
    |-- vc120.pdb
|-- premake-minimal.lua
|-- src/
    |-- main.cpp

This will look slightly different if you use a different version of Visual Studio.

It’s a little messy, but Premake has imposed some structure without us asking. In general, Premake tries to have sensible defaults while letting you override them if you want or need to.

Simple organization

Of course, you would never make even a simple project this way. So what should we add?

First, we can control where the generated project files go. The Premake directive is location (<PATH>); this sets the base location for all generated output. Let’s place our generated project files in a build folder (foreshadowing: unless we specify otherwise, all compiler outputs will go here too).

So we update our premake script to put generated files in this location:

solution "mysolution"
    configurations { "Debug" }
    location ("build")

    project "myproject"
        kind "ConsoleApp"
        files { "src/main.cpp" }

and (after throwing away all previous artifacts so we don’t confuse ourselves), re-generate:

C:\test> premake5.exe --file=premake-minimal.lua vs2013

After running this, you’ll see a build/ directory with files in it; I won’t list those files again, our previous list suffices.

|-- build/
|-- premake-minimal.lua
|-- src/
    |-- main.cpp

As well as Premake-generated files, all the files that Visual Studio creates are now tucked away in this build folder. A big advantage to doing this is that all build artifacts are in a single folder that can be ignored when committing to source control, and can be removed in order to facilitate a clean build.

Multiple configurations

If you try to debug with this project in Visual Studio, you’ll see Visual Studio complaining that it can’t find the debug symbols for your program. Premake by default does not create projects that generate debug symbols. Let’s fix that. The premake directive for this is flags { "Symbols" }. The flags keyword sets some Premake-specific values. The "Symbols" flag means “set up project to generate debug symbols”.

solution "mysolution"
    configurations { "Debug" }
    location ("build")

    project "myproject"
        kind "ConsoleApp"
        files { "src/main.cpp" }
        flags { "Symbols" }

Now, when we re-generate (throwing away our old build/ directory is not strictly necessary) and rebuild, we’ll have debug symbols in our project.

We can add a Release configuration easily enough. Let’s also set it up so that the Debug configuration generates debug symbols, but the Release configuration does not. Also, we want the Release configuration to generated optimized code.

solution "mysolution"
    configurations { "Debug", "Release" }
    location ("build")

    project "myproject"
        kind "ConsoleApp"
        files { "src/main.cpp" }

        filter "configurations:Debug"
            defines { "_DEBUG" }    
            flags { "Symbols" }
        filter "configurations:Release"
            defines { "NDEBUG" }    
            optimize "On"
        filter {}

This introduces a new Premake feature called filter; any settings that appear after filter will only be applied to the subset of builds that match the keywords in the filter. Our first filter, configurations:Debug, means that subsequent lines only apply to configuration Debug. The defines directive introduces a C preprocessor define _DEBUG into our debug configuration, and then the flags { "Symbols" } directive turns on generating of debug symbols just for our debug configuration.

Filters stay in effect until removed or replaced. The way to remove a filter is to just “apply” the empty filter. At the end of our block, you’ll see filter {}. In our very short premake script, this is not needed, but it’s a good practice to follow, because it will be essential in large premake scripts, especially ones that include other scripts. The best way to visualize this is to remove all the indentation from your premake script. Now it’s clear that filters are in effect until removed; the indentation is fooling your brain into thinking there is some sort of scope.

Filters can replace other filters. That’s why we don’t bother resetting the filter before applying our second filter, filter "configuration:Release". This just replaces the debug filter. And like before, our NDEBUG symbol is only defined for the release configuration. The directive optimize "On" is how you tell Premake to do whatever it takes to configure for optimized builds. This is the cross-platform and generic way; more complex projects may wish to directly issue compiler flags, but that requires per-build-platform sections. We’ll get there eventually, but not just yet.

If you regenerate and inspect the generated project files, you’ll see that we now have two solution configurations, Debug and Release; debug has debug symbols and does not have optimized code, whereas release does not have debug symbols but has optimized code.

Multiple source files

The final thing we’re going to cover in our minimal Premake project is on specifying source files. While it is possible to list every file in our files directive, we can use wildcards, including recursing through multiple layers of directories:

files { "**.cpp", "**.h", "**.c" }

The new files line will add any .cpp, .h, or .c files found anywhere in the src/ directory. By default, Premake will try to be nice and will create groupings in the generated projects to match the directory structure. As long as you are disciplined and don’t keep stray files in your workspace, you may find you never need explicit listing of files in the premake script. Note that the first level isn’t replicated in the project file - main.cpp shows up at the top level, and not inside a src group. If you add more files and directories to your src folder, you’ll see those files put into groups named to match the directories.

So, that’s it. There are the basics of Premake that will serve you for small to medium projects. You’ll find that it’s far easier to write a quick Premake script than to manually construct a Visual Studio project. More importantly, this also removes one small but important barrier to being cross-platform. Let’s copy our source files to a Mac, and grab a Mac version of the premake binary.

test$ premake5 --file=premake-minimal.lua xcode4

Success! We have a build/mine.xcodeproj that we can build and debug and run. And this is why people like using Premake (or CMake, or Scons, or Gyp), because there are many projects that are cross-platform.

And, for fun, we can generate a makefile project that is consumed by GNU Make (gmake). We’ll do this on the Mac, although with a little tweaking, you could turn it into a makefile that Windows NMake could consume.

test$ premake5 --file=premake-minimal.lua gmake

And, if we look in our build/ directory, we’ll see a makefile named Makefile.

Identifying boilerplate

Boilerplate is a term that means “stuff I copy over and over again just to make the system happy”. In general, we want a system that is as concise as possible, where everything I add is necessary and unique to my project. This has to be balanced against the needs of syntax and semantics. Keywords like “solution” aren’t boilerplate if they are necessary to declare some information that is needed.

Looking at our minimal project, there is some boilerplate related to how we define debug and release builds. For example:

defines { "NDEBUG" }    

Every C/C++ project I make that uses the standard C library needs to have NDEBUG defined for non-debug builds. And Microsoft long ago introduced a parallel construction, every debug build should have _DEBUG defined (I suppose they didn’t like #ifndef NDEBUG as a guard).

This is right on the edge of boilerplate, because Premake doesn’t have any idea of predefined meaning for configurations, so how does Premake now that my config is debug or release? However, and also looking at symbols and optimization, there are common idioms. Maybe we should have been able to introduce all of them at once. This makes sense given that optimize "On" itself is a collection of predefined options for what “optimized” means.

One way would have been to attach information to a configuration. Doing it in a filter is one way, but verbose. What if we just told it when we declared the configurations.

configurations { ["Debug"] = "debug", ["Release"] = "release" }

And if the configuration name matches one of our sets (built-in or not), then we wouldn’t need to specify this. In the above, I’m saying that the “debug” set is “#define _DEBUG, build debug symbols”, and the “release” set is “#define NDEBUG, turn full optimization on”.

This makes my small script even smaller, but more importantly it gets rid of duplicated code. The lines above are likely to be seen, in one form or another, in every Premake script ever made. This is a large part of what leads to copy/paste makefiles; a ton of common operations that need to be done, so why not just copy it instead of re-write it. It’s just that copying is the poor man’s code re-use, because errors and misunderstandings are just as easily propagated as best practices and required structure.

Canonical minimal Premake script

Here’s a commented version of the minimal premake script, usable as a standalone reference. Because this is Lua, we can comment it, and we could even compose it as functions (which we would do for a very large project).

-- A solution is the top-level entity in Premake. In Visual Studio, this
-- maps to a Visual Studio solution file (.sln). In XCode, this maps
-- to an XCode workspace (.xcworkspace). In make, this is a makefile.
solution "mysolution"

    -- A solution has one or more configurations. The names of the configurations
    -- are arbitrary and are strings that can be matched by filters to customize
    -- behavior. Each project is generated for each possible configuration.
    configurations { "Debug", "Release" }

    -- The location specifies where Premake will put generated files. If not
    -- specified, the default is the directory where the premake script lives.
    -- Non-absolute paths are relative to the premake script (and good practice
    -- would be to avoid absolute paths in project scripts).
    location ("build")

    -- A project is the next-level entity in Premake; solutions contain one
    -- or more projects. While this conceptually belongs to the solution, it
    -- belongs to the solution only because solution is a singleton.
    project "myproject"

        -- A project has a kind, which is the form of the generated output for
        -- this project. There are four kinds: StaticLib, SharedLib, ConsoleApp,
        -- and WindowedApp (the last is unique to Windows and Mac OS X).
        kind "ConsoleApp"

        -- A project has one or more source files in it. These can be enumerated
        -- individually, or specified with wildcards. The '**' wildcard is used
        -- to recurse through directories, not just to match in a single directory.
        files { "**.cpp", "**.h", "**.c" }

        -- filters can be used to apply settings to a subset of the configurations
        -- and architectures. In this case, we are applying some settings to just
        -- the debug configuration.
        filter "configurations:Debug"
            defines { "_DEBUG" }    
            flags { "Symbols" }

        -- In this case, we are applying some settings to just the release
        -- configuration
        filter "configurations:Release"
            defines { "NDEBUG" }    
            optimize "On"

        -- A filter is in effect until the end of the file, or until it is replaced
        -- with another filter. As a good engineering practice, we want to end a
        -- filter as soon as we no longer need it; the way to do this is to say
        -- "filter nothing".
        filter {}


Unfortunately, Premake documentation is now disjoint. There was a major version change, but lots of useful documentation was orphaned. Concepts were explained better in older documentation, you just need to be careful because syntax and features have changed.

Original User Guide

Premake 4.x User Guide

Premake 5.x User Guide

Likewise, the original home for Premake development was on the industriousone web site, but is now in GitHub.

premake on GitHub

New Premake home page

industriousone. However, there are no links to Premake content, but Google searches will show links to the old forums and help articles.

Old forums for Premake

Google Groups Premake forum

Premake Cookbook