Go select: blocking by default
I’ve not yet remembered all of the Go language details, and sometimes intuition fails me. Or, rather, my mental model of how I expect things to work differs from how Go actually works.
The select language construct is cool - it’s the networking select call turned into a language construct and really beefed up. There is no switch statement, but select fills in for it, because it can have arbitrary code as its cases.
So I was building up a program that wanted to handle terminating and aborting cleanly. I have a scanner that should terminate if some other part of the code says to. So I had this in my program
select {
case <- done:
return // aborting early
And, nothing worked. Since my program had a goroutine for status monitoring, it ran, but it said that nothing was happening. Hmm. A few diagnostic prints zeroed in on the above code. I had to page through the D&K Go book until I found out the critical part. The Go select function waits until some case is satisfied; e.g. blocking. In my case, I’d just blocked my scanner from doing anything, as opposed to what I thought I was doing, having it check for early abort.
Adding a default case that does nothing did the trick; case statements are evaluated in order, so unless my done channel has a value on it, the default is reached and the select exits.
select {
case <- done:
return // aborting early
// do nothing (a subtlety that needs to be reinforced)
I’ve used select a few dozen times by now, but I guess I always lucked out. Or didn’t luck out.
If I write a Go book, it’s going to focus on the parts of the language that aren’t a direct map to C or other languages.