I can’t find a terse and usable summary of the Go language. So here it is. I’ll make it all pretty at some point. In fact, it’s quickly getting not-terse, so I need to employ better HTML skills and tighten it up somehow.

Maybe what would work better is callouts for things that are “different from language X”, because 80% of Go is quite like C, Python, Java etc.


Kind Type
bool true, false
integer int, uint, uintptr, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64
float float32, float64
complex complex64, complex128
byte alias for uint8
rune alias for int32


No operator overloading, so operators only work on basic types

Logical operators

Operator Meaning Examples
! logical negation !a, a = !b
&& conditional AND if a() && b() (short-circuit evaluation)
|| conditional OR if a() || b() (short-circuit evaluation)

Arithmetic operators (integer, float, complex, string)

Operator Meaning Examples
+ sum 1 + 1 == 2, "abc" + "d" == "abcd"

Arithmetic operators (integer, float, complex)

- difference 2 - 1 == 1
* product 2 * 2 == 4
/ quotient 3 / 2 == 1, 5.0 / 2.0 == 2.5

Arithmetic operators (integer)

% remainder 5 % 2 == 1
& bitwise AND 6 & 3 == 2
| bitwise OR 4 | 3 == 7
^ bitwise XOR 7 ^ 2 == 5
&^ bit clear (AND NOT) ``` 11 &^ 6 == 9

Arithmetic operators (integer OP unsigned integer)

<< left shift 1 << 15 == 32768
>> right shift 65536 >> 8 == 256



The Go Programming Language Specification

Effective Go

How to Write Go Code

Golang Examples