Some notes on Go
GOPATH and source on your hard disk
This is the thing that’s most annoying me about Go. Many of its proscriptive choices are neutral to me, but dictating how your source code is laid on on the hard disk is harder to work with.
The go
tool finds files in relation to the $GOPATH
environment variable,
and really wants to see a strucure like this at the root of $GOPATH
(using one
of my recent projects as an example)
See How to Write Go Code for the official explanation.
On the other hand, I have been organizing projects on my hard disk thematically, and partially by origin. And large projects (say, 1000 files and up), tend to develop their own internal organization.
I like some of the thoughts behind the Go structure. I’ve always preferred systems where
generated files lived outside of your source files; source files come from source control,
and generated files are mostly temporaries. And many programming environments and languages
make this difficult. In the Go world, your source is all inside src/
, your intermediate
files are in pkg/
, and your output binaries are in bin/
. Of course, that’s a
little limiting, but I can work in it.
One choice is to keep changing $GOPATH
. It “points to your workspace”, but there’s no
reason you need just the one workspace. I’m at the point where I’m seriously considering
this approach. Since I don’t use an IDE at the moment for Go code, however, this means that
I need to remember to set $GOPATH
each time I create a terminal window. This would be
necessary if I worked on large Go programs, or on dozens at the same time. A single bin/
location would be a problem. The Go docs seem to recommend against this, see
GOPATH from the Go Wiki.
I suspect this is advice bourne from working on lots of small programs, though.
There is one big reason to use multiple $GOPATH
hierarchies, and that’s when using go get
While Go will search among multiple paths for files, go get
will download new files into
exactly one location.
But there are other problems I’m wrestling with. I have some multi-language repositories. So I either relocate everything to suit Go, or I checkout the repo multiple times on the disk, or I use a symlink. The symlink approach is awkward, the multiple checkout is confusing (editing files in the wrong place is easy), and relocating everything to suit Go is very Go-centric.
Relative and absolute Go paths
The go
tool really likes absolute paths, and by absolute I mean paths that are relative
to the $GOPATH
If you use absolute paths to build, then your built output goes in the bin/
folder. If
you use relative paths to build, then your built output goes next to the source. While that
doesn’t sound bad, it also has implications for any import
statements in your source.
Relative imports are forbidden if you use an absolute path to start. And if you have relative
source imports (which are nice and readable and convenient), then you must use a relative
path to trigger the build.
Given this plus the above, it sounds like the only sane choice is to build via relative path. I note that some projects do this: Netflix/rend must be built via relative paths.
Versioning and Go source
go get
is useful, to a point. It can automatically fetch source packages for you.
What you don’t get is control over a version. And this is going to be important to let build servers automatically get and build projects, at least without a ton of pain.