One of the many things I want to see, because I want to use it, is the definitive library for command-line argument parsing. There are a lot of these, and yet I see programs doing ad-hoc command-line parsing, because most of the libraries are verbose to use and require effort to understand. I’ve certainly done my share of both ad-hoc and “real” command-line parsers, as well as used a dozen or so argument parsing libraries.

The code you write to do command-line argument parsing needs to be as straightforward as possible, showing the intent of the command-line. Otherwise you’ll be tempted to avoid it for simple command-lines, and you’ll be spending significant effort maintaining it for complex command-lines.

It also need to be flexible, as there are multiple styles of command lines. I don’t mind defaulting to the GNU getopt style, with single-dash and combining for single-character commands and double-dash for word commands. However, we do have Microsoft with their default disaster (command lines preceded by slash characters), and there are ecosystems that are stubborn with their oddball styles. Suborn by making it easy, but don’t put up walls.

And this library needs to be something that can be copied easily; any license more onerous than the 2-clause BSD license is yet another excuse to make a new system. It’s a command-line, and we don’t need 50 different ways to parse it.

I also want this to be multi-language. Some languages are converging towards a single stock library that are used for command-line parsing. The best of the breed to date I’ve seen is Python’s argparse. However, argparse is something that I have to read documentation for in order to learn to use. Instead, what I want is the same library, tweaked for language specifics, across all languages - where possible, of course; languages that diverge from procedural make that harder.

Of course, if you can use a descriptive definition instead of a proscriptive one, then you could have a common command-line argument parsing system. I just don’t know if more complex operations can be done in a descriptive fashion. There is one system that has made a valiant try, and that’s docopt. The test of this would be to try to implement a large command line (like, say Git) in this system.

As with a lot of other things I want, this is interesting enough that I will eventually work on it, but if someone else gets to it first, I’ll happily use what they make.


The contradiction here is: ignore what others are done so that you don’t limit yourself; and yet know what others have done so you make something better and different (e.g don’t painfully re-invent the wheel). No problem. Here’s a sampling of what already exists. I don’t know how many hundreds of command-line argument parsing libraries exist, but I’m sure it is many hundreds.

Also, I’m not endorsing docopt. Yet. But it’s a good start.

Multiple languages


  • argparse. Python’s command-line processing library.
  • opster.
  • Plac. Has decent minimal complexity, uses code structure to create argument parsing.
  • Clap.
  • from Bup. Another descriptive approach.




  • synoptic. Argument parsing through code structure. Not sure I like this for large command lines, but it’s an interesting approach for simple ones.



